Spring 2016 – 4 Duroc Pigs
Continuing our goal of raising only heritage breeds, we now are raising Duroc Pigs
Many Americans have only experienced pork from CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation) raised pigs. Big Agriculture engineered new pig breeds that fit the factory farm model. They developed pork they could market as “the other white meat”. Lower in fat but tasteless and tough these new industrial breeds could not live in a pig’s natural environment. CAFO raised pigs with the heavy use of antibiotics and growth hormones has allowed for confinement and consolidation of the industry into operations that have become huge, cruel and present waste hazards to the environment. ( –Rain Cow Ranch)
We have raised Large Black Heritage pigs (Chub and Dozer), we have raised Gloucestershire Old Spots Pigs (GOS) and now we are raising Duroc. Duroc genes appear in many modern breeds and is known to be one of the juiciest and tastiest. I have a feeling (for the type of end product we are after) we will be sticking with Duroc. These four piglets were definitely healthy and had a great overall balance. The first two breeds seemed much less flighty and were easier to make friends with though. We have four females this time.